Divinity: Original Sin 2 allows for a wide range of builds that are all viable for all but the hardest content. All of these mods have one thing in common: they make small but noticeable changes to Original Sin 2, either providing quality-of-life improvements or important fixes. These mods are so good, however, that most consider them essential. This entry is cheating somewhat, listing multiple mods instead of just one. Download links have also been included at the end of each entry to make finding these mods as easy as possible. To help players decide which mods are worth their time, new mods have been added to this list that are all expertly made. Ranging from bug fixes to entire overhauls, there is little reason not to install a few mods for Original Sin 2. Here are ten Divinity: Original Sin 2 mods that make the game even better. This game has few issues to begin with, but well-made mods put Original Sin 2 on another level of quality entirely.

Content mods aren't common for Original Sin 2, but the number of mods that range from overhauls to small quality of life gives just enough incentive to try another playthrough. This behemoth of an RPG has enough content to keep players engaged for hundreds of hours, but this playtime can balloon further with mods. If you own the game on Steam, just head into the.There are still a few that get made, though, one of which being Divinity: Original Sin 2.